If your thinking doors and hard windshield with wipers then cab unit is definitely the way to go. Its insulated and sealed and better noise reduction my 2 cents.
My 19 HD10 isn’t factory cab but my next one will be. if your somewhat handy then most the aftermarket stuff is more time the anything. I like to fab and tinker so to me saving a few bucks is always wicked.
Also to consider if your financing some times it’s nice to add those things into a payment instead of being out of pocket the cash. Especially at a zero% kinda thing. Talking more full doors and tire/rim upgrades expensive option kind of stuff.
plenty of good aftermarket options for the small stuff like audio. Or go this route cost was about 500 Canadian total plus 8-10 hours work kinda thing. 4 kicker marine speakers plus head unit were the real cost. Pods were cheap to build. No way I was spending 1000 bucks for the cam am set up plus I didn’t have the liner. Some real nice set ups aftermarket but they don’t come cheap.